Multi Denomination Slot Machines

broken image

I know on video poker games the paytables usually improve on higher denomination games, so its likely that casinos that do that do so on slots. If you look at the Nevada slot payback stats that are published, there is a separate section for multi-denomination games. Glass, seven serial numbers on the side or multi-denomination markings on the reel glass. Vision – These machines appear identical to S-2000s with the distinction being a monitor on the upper glass and a bonus game. With all vision games, the upper glass does not have any light bordering the monitor and it appears flush with the glass. Slots work by simulating reels, like the mechanical ones. The RNG (random number generator) chooses where to stop the reels. Shackleford (wizard of odds) did analysis of several machines where he video taped a session on slot machines.

Introduction to Las Vegas Visit

Others have a multi-denomination line within the payback reporting – Nevada is an example where I've seen this. Each state has its own rules and so I can't say for certain about each. But that could explain, say, why a state does not have a 2 cent reporting despite penny games having a 2 cent option.

In June of 2019, 3.6 million people visited Las Vegas. Perhaps you were one of them? Or maybe you've yet to have your first Las Vegas visit. Whether you're a frequent traveler to Las Vegas or a newbie, you want to be better prepared at playing slots in Las Vegas.

Good for you! Preparation is key. A little can go a long way, especially when it comes to your hard-won cash. In this post, I'll start with seven secrets to winning on slots during your Las Vegas visit.

This article has the following sections:

  • Introduction to Las Vegas Visit
  1. Nevada Payout Return Limits
  2. Know Your Nevada Gaming Stats
  3. Check the Most Recent Payout Return Statistics
  4. The Many Wonderful Las Vegas Gambling Podcasts
  5. Downtown Versus the Strip
  6. When to Visit and When Not to Visit
  7. Candidate Winning Slot Machines in Las Vegas
  • Summary of Las Vegas Visit

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1. Nevada Payout Return Limits

Nevada state gaming regulation #14 places a minimum legal limit on payout returns for slot machines. This minimum payout limit is 75%. Further, this lower limit applies per wager.

'All gaming devices must: Theoretically pay out a mathematically demonstrable percentage of all amounts wagered, which must not be less than 75 percent for each wager available for play on the device.'

Regulation 14.040: Minimum standards for gaming devices

What does this 75% minimum mean? Does it mean the player gets back 75 cents if they make a $1 bet on a slot machine? No, it doesn't.

What it means is that the statistical average is at least a 75% return over many, many bets. The additional use of the words 'per wager' in Regulation 14 means the slot machine must never be set less than an average 75% return.

For example, an unscrupulous casino operator might set a slot machine to have a 70% return for some time, then later set the payout return to 80% for an equal number of bets. Such a setup would also result in an average 75% return over both periods combined, but wouldn't meet Nevada's legal requirement.

Another close examination of the regulation shows something missing, which is well worth noting. What's missing? There's no mention of a maximum legal limit, which some states have put in place. How to win willy wonka slot machine.

Without an upper legal limit on payout returns, casino operators in Nevada can offer the occasional slot machine which, on average, wins. Of course, casinos would lose money on slot machines set up this way. But, there are still good business reasons to do so.

I go over these reasons in How to Win at Slots in Older Casinos Built Before 2012. Suffice to say now, Nevada gaming regulations make doing so legal. Two questions naturally follow:

  1. Do Las Vegas casinos set up the occasional slot machine to be winners?
  2. How can a slots player find these winning slot machines?

The answer to the first question is yes. Casinos often decide to set up an occasional slot machine to win for promotional purposes. It's a silent casino promotion because casinos choose to do this on slot machines situated to be easily visible to passersby.

It's also worth noting that, like any business activity, it's on a careful budget. Casinos can't afford to do this often because, like everyone else, they are on a budget. But they do it. I know because I've found them before.

Later in this post, I'll share some recent experiences from my fan base regarding candidate winning slot machines in Las Vegas for your consideration. But knowing they exist, and why they exist, is a necessary first step to finding them.

2. Know Your Nevada Gaming Stats

The Nevada Gaming Control Board and the Nevada Gaming Commission regulate the gaming industry in Las Vegas. This state gaming commission's website is both thorough and comprehensive. The site offers several useful resources, but let's consider the other side of payout returns: Actual payout statistics.

Legal limits and reported statistics are like the difference between a plan of attack and an actual battle. Remember the adage, 'No plan survives contact with the enemy.' Or, in more normal circumstances, having a budget isn't the same as paying bills.

In terms of slots gameplay, we know that Nevada gaming regulations have set a minimum payout return limit of 75% per wager on their gaming machines. That's the law. But what happened? How did it work out in the real world?

Multi Denomination Slot Machines For Sale

Some states, including Nevada, do more than define a theoretical payout return limit. Nevada provides comprehensive payout return statistics. Each year, I review these actual statistics in Nevada Slot Machine Casino Gambling.

Rather than repeat myself fully, I'll point you toward the Payout Returns in Nevada section of the Nevada post just mentioned. For now, I'll say Nevada provides actual payout return statistics by:

  1. State region, including Downtown Las Vegas versus the Strip
  2. Slot machine denomination, including most common amounts but also multi-denomination, Megabucks, and other
  3. Duration, including the current month, last 3 months, and last 12 months
  4. Casino revenue range, including all casinos, over $1B, $1B to $12B, etc.

While past statistics never predict future behavior, a truism from the study of statistics, we can look at the available actuals to see if we can spot business trends.

Maybe, just perhaps, we can find a slot machine denomination with the best odds of winning last week. And perhaps they still have high odds this week.

Why? Because, in general, casinos are businesses as described and slots aren't table card games. The odds of winning at table card games can't change unless someone cheats or the game rules change.

Slot machines are electronic devices. Yes, they have random number generators – but RNGs are adjustable as a tool by the casino operator trying to control their financial performance metrics finely.

3. Check the Most Recent Payout Return Statistics

Before your next trip to Las Vegas to play slot machines, visit the Nevada Gaming Commission's website. Under Statistics & Publications, you'll find an entry for Gaming Revenue Report with PDF files available for download.

At the time of this writing, the most recently available monthly gaming revenue report from Nevada is for June 2019. These reports include the gaming statistics for slot machines, table games, and sports betting. Further, the left-most columns are for the most recent month with the remaining columns for a combined three months and twelve months.

Page 1 is a state-wide summary. Since we are discussing a Las Vegas visit, we need to find two specific state regions in the report: Downtown Las Vegas and Las Vegas Strip. Both are situated in Clark County.

Multi Denomination Slot Machines For Sale

The gaming revenue statistics for downtown Las Vegas begins on page 8:

  • Page 8: All downtown Las Vegas casinos combined
  • Page 9: Downtown Las Vegas casinos with over $1 million in gaming revenue
  • Page 10: Downtown Las Vegas casinos with $1 million to $12 million in gaming revenue (none currently exist)
  • Page 11: Downtown Las Vegas casinos with over $12 million in gaming revenue

The gaming revenue statistics for the Las Vegas Strip are on pages 12 through 17:

  • Page 12: All Las Vegas Strip Area casinos
  • Page 13: Las Vegas Strip casinos with over $1 million in gaming revenue
  • Page 14: Las Vegas Strip casinos with $1 million to $12 million in gaming revenue (none currently exist)
  • Page 15: Las Vegas Strip casinos with $12 million to $36 million in gaming revenue
  • Page 16: Las Vegas Strip casinos with $36 million to $72 million in gaming revenue
  • Page 17: Las Vegas Strip casinos with over $72 million in gaming revenue

Since the format is common on all these pages, let's review how to read and understand one of them: Page 8 – All Downtown Las Vegas Area casinos combined. The current month columns are:

  1. Number of Locations
  2. Number of Units
  3. Win Amount in 1000s of dollars
  4. Percent Change from the last month
  5. Win Percent

Note that Nevada reports the Win Percent for the casino, not the player. In most other states, this percentage is the casino hold percentage or Hold%. Subtracting it from 100% provides the percentage of winnings retained by the player. Further, negative numbers are in parenthesis.

The lowest casino Win Percent, i.e., highest player return, in June 2019 was the $25 denomination slot machine with a negative 7.57 Win%. There were nine of these slot machines at three locations with an overall monthly player return of 107.57%

Why so high? Quite likely, someone won big on one of these $25 denomination slot machines. That big jackpot pushed up the overall monthly average on all nine machines with this denomination in the downtown area.

Looking on the same line under the 3-month entry, it was 100% minus 4.77% equals 95.23%. The 12-month average was even smaller, at 92.44%. This abrupt change indicates playing $25 denomination in downtown Las Vegas is not the advantage it might otherwise appear.

Value of cards in blackjack. Otherwise, slot machine denominations with the highest-to-lowest player returns for June 2019 in all casinos in the downtown Las Vegas area were:

  • Multi-denomination: 100% minus 5.44% equals 94.56% return to the player
  • 25-cent quarter slots: 100% minus 5.49% equals 94.51% return to the player
  • 1-dollar slots: 100% minus 5.59% equals 94.41% return to the player
  • 5-cent nickel slots: 100% minus 5.75% equals 94.25% return to the player
  • 5-dollar slots: 100% minus 7.49% equals 92.51% return to the player
  • 1-cent penny slots: 100% minus 11.03% equals 88.97% return to the player
  • Megabucks: 100% minus 14.02% equals 85.98% return to the player

I understand that this is a lot of statistics. But consider what we learned even with this simple research of statistics from downtown Las Vegas casinos for June 2019:

  1. The worst payout returns are on Megabucks
  2. The second-lowest payout return is from penny slots
  3. The third-lowest payout return is from $5 and $25 slot machines
  4. The best returns, all very similar, are nickel slots, dollar slots, quarter slots, and multi-denominational slot machines

A further detailed analysis would be to perform the same straightforward payout return study on downtown Las Vegas casinos separated into three ranges of gaming revenue.

I'll save this further analysis for another time. We'd need to run down the monthly gaming revenue for each casino, likely from their casino operator's financial reports filed with the Security Exchange Commission.

4. The Many Wonderful Las Vegas Gambling Podcasts

So far, I've talked about gaming regulations and gaming revenue reports available from the state of Nevada. These topics were based on official information from the government. But, that's not everything we have. There are also people like you.

More specifically, there are people like you that have enjoyed Las Vegas so much that they started a podcast about it. There are more than a few such Las Vegas gambling podcasts. In preparation for your next Las Vegas visit, start listening to them to learn a lot of tips and tricks from these Las Vegas experts.

Each show is more-or-less available anywhere you find podcasts. Some shows are former or current radio shows which distribute as a podcast so, again, look for them wherever you find podcasts.

If you've never listened to a podcast before, you might wonder how to start doing so. Here's how. There are a selection of podcast apps and services on this webpage. It's on the right side if you're at a computer or at the end if you're on a mobile device.

Those linked images go to my podcast show at those sites. After subscribing to my show, of course, use their search tool to find any of the following podcast show names:

  • Five Hundy by Midnight
  • Vegas Never Sleeps
  • 360 Vegas
  • You Can Bet on That
  • Gambling with an Edge
  • Vegas Confessions Podcast
  • Vital Vegas

The longest-running Las Vegas gambling podcast is Five Hundy by Midnight: The Original Las Vegas Podcast. They've been at it since January of 2005 providing weekly episodes since then. At the time of this writing, they are up to episode #702. The hosts are relatively focused on Las Vegas news stories.

Vegas Never Sleeps by Steven Maggi is a former radio show now distributed as a podcast. He's been broadcasting since 2008. His show is mostly thoughtful interviews with various Las Vegas entertainers and others. I was one of those other interviewees in March of 2018.

360 Vegas is a popular podcast about all things Las Vegas. They also host an annual meetup called 360 Vegas Vacation. The 2019 event, Twitter hashtag #360VV9, is on September 1-3, 2019. At the time of this writing, it's still about a month away.

Gambling Podcast: You Can Bet on That, a podcast for the recreational gambler, is hosted by Mark and Dr. Mike. They have great chemistry and produce a fun and friendly show. While they are physically located in San Diego, they are so near Las Vegas and visit so often that they often talk about it.

Gambling with an Edge is a weekly live radio show in Las Vegas found afterward as podcast episodes. It's hosted by Bob Dancer and Richard Munchkin of video poker fame. They interview professional gamblers, authors, and casinos insiders.

Vegas Confessions Podcast is all about the casino and gambling lifestyle. The three hosts are often in Las Vegas. They cover Las Vegas topics as well as gambling superstitions, casino games, food reviews, trip reports, and more.

Multi Denomination Slot Machines

Last but certainly not least is Vital Vegas by Scott Roeben. His blog, twitter feed, and podcast are incredible. He loves Las Vegas. Here you'll find essential Las Vegas news, tips, deals, and (as he says) WTF. In my opinion, out of all the Las Vegas podcasts I mention here, pick Vital Vegas. You won't regret it.

None of these podcasts have paid me to promote them in this blog. I like to listen to them and thought you might find them useful in preparing for your Las Vegas visit.

I should further note that this is not a comprehensive list of Las Vegas podcasts. For instance, I haven't yet listened to the Faces and Aces Las Vegas podcast. Again, the podcasts listed are merely those I have discovered and enjoyed over time.

5. Downtown Versus the Strip

Las Vegas is famous for the Strip with its world-famous mega-resorts, shops, five-star dining options, and entertainment venues. But there is also the smaller and lesser-known historic downtown Las Vegas with its venerable casinos, museums, and zip line.

Comparing the Strip to Downtown is like comparing apples and oranges. Each location is a unique experience with different options. At a high level, I could perhaps best describe Downtown as where many locals go while the Strip is where out-of-towners tend to be.

How do I know this? Because of reported gaming revenue for the two areas. For 2018, the Las Vegas Strip had $6.6 billion in annual gaming revenue. Also for 2018, Downtown Las Vegas had less than 10% of that annual gaming revenue or $650 million.

The Strip has big casinos, big acts, and big everything else. Again, it's world-famous and hardly a secret. Downtown Las Vegas is known as Old Vegas or merely Fremont Street. For many visitors, Old Vegas is the secret worth sharing.

Old Vegas is more than one secret. It is perhaps as many as 15 secrets, all by itself. In advance of your Las Vegas visit, consider reviewing this post from The Crazy Tourist, 15 Best Things to Do in Downtown Las Vegas.

If you are staying on or slightly off the Las Vegas Strip but want to visit downtown Las Vegas or vice versa, how do you get there? How far apart are they?

Downtown and the Strip are about two to five miles apart. With light traffic on Las Vegas Boulevard, it takes 15 to 20 minutes to drive from mid-Strip to the Fremont Street Experience. This time applies to driving your car, or taking a rental, including finding a spot to park.

Otherwise, there's taking the bus, walking, rideshare services like Uber and Lyft, and taking a taxi. It's a two-mile walk from the Stratosphere on the north end of the Strip.

6. When to Visit and When Not to Visit

Whether you visit the Las Vegas Strip, downtown Las Vegas, or both, winning at slots in Las Vegas means considering when to visit. This question has to do with the number of visitors in Las Vegas at any given time.

In 2018, over 42 million people visited Las Vegas. In June of 2019, 3.9 million people visited according to the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Bureau. Only 514,000 visitors, about 13% of the monthly visitors, were visiting in June to attend a conference.

Per month, most visitors are in March at less than 3.8 million while the least visitors were in February at 3.2 million individuals. Conference attendance is meager during December.

What I'm trying to do here by digging into these statistics isn't to examine the number of visitors in a month or a year in the city of Las Vegas. What I'm trying to dig into relates to experiences my fanbase has been having when visiting Las Vegas.

What happens to them? Whether they are on the Strip or Downtown, they have been reporting that they win at slots on weekdays and lose playing slots on weekends.

Why? I can explain why, and touched on why above, but it hardly matters. This pattern exists, whatever its cause. And I want that you should know about it when planning your Las Vegas visit.

I touched on why this is above, about casinos being a business with fine control over their payout return statistics for slots. This control is now daily due to technological advances in casino operating systems. At most modern casinos, central computers control slot machine odds of winning.

As I have mentioned elsewhere, casino operators have been seeing an unprecedented number of casino visitors. To manage such large groups, casino operators needed to automate their casinos. Doing so allowed them to reduce their workforce while also providing them the ability to achieve their daily financial performance metrics.

Both changes resulted in significantly reduced operating costs. However, automation means casinos can quickly adjust the odds of winning on all their slot machines. When would they need to do this?

It's a business decision. Casino operators universally decrease the odds of winning on slots machines during the weekends when hotels have higher occupancy. To keep some balance, they'll also increase the odds of winning on slots during weekdays.

Nevada gaming regulations require a monthly revenue report from each casino. That's a monthly report. Even if it was a weekly report, this difference in weekday and weekend payout returns is unnoticeable.

Both a weekly and monthly report shows the payout return average over their respective periods. Only a daily report would show the casino's behavior of changing slot machine odds within a week.

But the Nevada gaming regulations don't show daily gaming revenue reports. No state does. So, casino operators can do this without breaking any laws.

Based on experiences shared by my audience, there are lower odds of winning on slot machines starting by 10 a.m. on Friday through around sunrise on Monday morning. Further, the same reduction occurs on significant holidays or whenever Las Vegas has more extensive than usual crowds of visitors.

Please plan your Las Vegas visit accordingly, especially when choosing which day or days you plan on playing slot machines while there. In general, if there's a crowd then be very cautious about risking your bankroll.

7. Candidate Winning Slot Machines in Las Vegas

Scott Roeben first mentioned the best slot machine I know about in Las Vegas. He runs the Vital Vegas blog, Twitter feed, and podcast. This slot machine is in Four Queens in downtown Las Vegas over by the cashier's cage.

Scott posted a photo of this 'Old Faithful' slot machine on Twitter along with its general area within the casino. It's a 2-credit, $5 denomination Progressive Wheel of Fortune machine.

Being a $5 denomination slot machine, it's high-limit. I don't recommend playing high-limit slots unless you can afford the relatively large bankroll required to make 100 to 120 bets of $10 each. Don't ever bet with any amount of money you can't afford to lose.

Remember, winning by luck isn't something with which I can help you or anyone else. Instead, winning because you have an excellent plan is something with which I can and do help.

Bonus Secret

Thanks for reading so far into this rather long post with so much statistics. You deserve a reward. And so here it is.

Less than two months ago, audience member James reported from the Four Queens Casino in downtown Las Vegas. Based on his experiences, they've set up their slot machines to provide a quick win or 'taste' followed by no wins.

The advantage play to use in response to this casino setup is what I call my 'Five Pull' approach. For slot machines there, make only five bets before moving to another slot machine. If you win anything at all, move on without making any remaining bets.

Optionally, if you can, try to play slot machines not played for at least a few minutes or longer. Of course, finding an idle slot machine isn't possible on busy nights at the casino.

I explain this specific winning strategy in detail in my blog article Winning Strategy 1: Only Win Immediately.

Summary of Las Vegas Visit

In June of 2019, 3.6 million people visited Las Vegas. Next month, you might be one of them. Whether you're a frequent traveler to Las Vegas or a newbie, this post helps you be better prepared for playing slots in Las Vegas.

When it comes to winning with slots at someplace you're not as familiar with as your local casino, preparation with a little thought is the key to a successful trip.

Join our Nevada slots community, a private and closed Facebook Group, for more advice from fellow lovers of slots and Las Vegas.

Have a great Las Vegas visit and let us know how it goes!

Related Articles from Professor Slots

Other Articles from Professor Slots

  • Previous: Online Resource: A State-By-State Slot Machine Casino Gambling Series
  • Next: Why You Need to Start a Recreational Gambling Podcast

Have fun, be safe, and make good choices!
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Bally Lightning 7s Game Kit
Bally Multi-Play Blackjack Topper Insert/Plexi
Bally Player Tracking Set
Bally Plum Crazy Reel Strip Set
Bally Red Hot 7 Glass Set
Bally Reel Assembly - AS-04337-0001
Bally Reel Strips - 7s and Bars - M239-788, 789, 790
Bally Reel Strips - 8 Ball, Dice, Watermelon
Bally Reel Strips - Bars and 7s
Bally Reel Strips - DOL 6 PAYS - M239-18, 19, 20
Bally Reel Strips - Fruit and Bars - M239-406
Bally Reel Strips - Fruit Bars Bells - M239-785, 786, 787
Bally Reel Strips - Harrah's Fruit Bells - M239-931, 932, 933
Bally Reel Strips - Harrah's Genie
Bally Reel Strips - Harrah's Genie 7.33%
Bally Reel Strips - MGM Red Lion
Bally Reel Strips - Pacos #1, 2, 3
Bally Reel Strips - PALACE $ 3CM - M239-24, 25, 26
Bally Reel Strips - PALACE $ L TO R - M239-21, 22, 23
Bally Reel Strips - Zodiac
Bally Roarin' 20s Glass Set
Bally Swing Time Game Kit with Respin - NEW
Bally Triple Blazing 7s with Bump/Nudge Game Kit - NEW
Bally Triple Blazing 7s with Bump/Nudge Game Kit - NEW
Bally Triple Blazing 7s with Kilroy Game Kit
Bally Triple Gold Reel Strip Set
Bally Triple Rose Game Kit
Bally Triple Rose Reel Strip Set
Bally US Backplane - PCBA 2501-410550
Bally V1000 / E1000 / V2000 / E2000
Bally V2000 Deuces Wild 25c Belly Glass
Bally V2000 Deuces Wild Top Glass w/Paytable - NOS!
Bally V2000 Monitor Glass - NOS
Bally Wild Rose Game Kit
Bally Wild Rose Reel Strip Set
Bally Wild Smiley Game Kit
Bally Y2K Reel Strips - New Old Stock!
Bally ZAP Lightning Reel Strip Set
Bill Validators / Acceptors
Blazing 7s Payday Reek Strip Set
Button Deck with Buttons - GameKing Slant Top
Card Reader
Card Reader Bezel
Casino Seating
CDS Big Cheese Belly Glass
Ceronix Isolation Transformer
Cham2 Display and Driver Board
Chrome Button Plug - 1'
Chrome Button Plug - 1.25'
Circus Circus Carousel Topper - 5 cent
Circus Circus Circus Stars Topper - 5 cent
Circus Circus Joey Special Topper - 5 cent
Circus Circus Joker Wild Topper - 25 cent
Circus Circus Joker Wild Topper - 5 cent
Circus Circus Tic Tac Toe Topper - 10 cent
Circus Circus Westward Ho Topper - 5 cent
Circus Circus Wild Indian Topper - 10 cent
Coin Mech 25 cent Coin Acceptor - NEW
Coin Mech Coin Acceptor - SBA $ - NEW
Complete Coin In Set-up - Dollar Coin/Token
Complete WBA Bill Validator Unit - Bally Alpha
Coolcox Fan, 1-5/8 inch, 4010M12B
Deuce Wild Topper - Nickel
ELO Touchstone Touchscreen Assembly
Flamingo Special Topper - 5 cent
Fortune Coin Draw Poker Belly Glass
Fortune Draw Poker Belly Glass
Fremont Hotel & Casino 16 Ways to Win Topper - 5 cent
Frontek Inverter FIF2042-02B, 20' LCD
FutureLogic Gen2 RS232 Ticket Printer
Game King 4 MultiDenom Software Set - 52 Games
Game King 4.0 MultiDenom Software Set - 52 Games
Gen2 Ticket Printer (NetPlex) - IGT
Gimme 5 Glass & Reel Strips Kit
IGT 044 MPU Board - I-Game / GameKing
IGT 10G Reel Strips
IGT 8 Ball Glass Kit
IGT AVP Reel Strip Set - Triple Red Hot 7s Bonus - New
IGT Balloon Bars Reel Strip Set
IGT Bar Hopper Top Glass - Rare!
IGT Barcrest Boulder Dash Top Glass
IGT Barcrest Glass
IGT Barcrest Jewel In The Crown Belly Glass - 2 Coin
IGT Barcrest Jewel In The Crown Reel Glass
IGT Barcrest Jewel In The Crown Top Glass
IGT Barcrest Little Devil Belly Glass - 2 Coin
IGT Barcrest Little Devil Belly Glass - 3 Coin
IGT Barcrest Little Devil Reel Glass
IGT Barcrest Little Devil Top Glass
IGT Barcrest Take Your Pick Top Glass
IGT Bill Validator Bezel Insert - Insert Tickets/Bills
IGT Bill Validator Bezel Insert - Tickets/Bills
IGT Black Jack Reel Strip Set
IGT Black Tie Reel Strip Set
IGT Black Widow Reel Strip Set
IGT BlackJack 3coin Game Kit
IGT Boards - MPU, Motherboard, I/O, Mastercom
IGT Boot chip - DSPL0006
IGT Bulls-Eye Belly Glass
IGT Bulls-Eye Reel Strip Set
IGT Buttons & Button Decks/Panels
IGT Cabinet Hardware, Batteries, Bulbs
IGT Casino Night Reel Strips
IGT Cats N Dogs 5 Line Reel Strips
IGT Cats N Dogs Reel Strip Set
IGT Coin & Bill Equipment
IGT Coin Chute
IGT Dangerous Beauty Topper Insert
IGT Diamond 10s Reel Strips
IGT Diamond Fives Reel Strip Set
IGT Display Units
IGT Door Cherry Switch
IGT Door Lock & Key Set
IGT Double Black Tie Reel Strip Set
IGT Double BlackJack Reel Strip Set
IGT Double Bucks Reel Strip Set
IGT Double Cherry Bar Reel Strip Set
IGT Double Deluxe Jackpot Reel Strip Set
IGT Double Desire Game Kit
IGT Double Desire Glass Set - 16inch
IGT Double Diamond Reel Strips
IGT Double Double Diamond Reel Strips
IGT Double Double Dribble Reel Strip Set
IGT Double Hearts Reel Strips
IGT Double Jackpot Game Kit
IGT Double Jackpot Haywire Top Glass - 16inch
IGT Double Red White Blue Reel Strip Set
IGT Double Red White Blue Top Glass - 9inch
IGT Double Wild Cherry Reel Strips
IGT Double Wild with Re-Spin Glass Set
IGT Earthquake Game Kit
IGT Earthquake Reel Strip Set
IGT Fiber Optic Daughter Board
IGT Fiesta Chihuahua Topper Insert
IGT Fire Diamonds Topper Insert
IGT Five Times Pay Deluxe Belly Glass - S+/S2000
IGT Five Times Pay Reel Strip Set
IGT Five Times Pay Wild Reel Strips - NOS
IGT Fluorescent Light Ballast - F15T8
IGT Fortune Hunter Topper Insert
IGT G20 Backplane - 75832300W
IGT Game King Side Glass - MultiStrike Poker - Slant
IGT Game King 4.0 Software Set
IGT Game King 5.3 Software Set
IGT Game King Deluxe - Memory 1A (for 044 Board)
IGT Game King Deluxe 044 Motherboard
IGT Game King Double Pay Poker Glass - Slant
IGT Game King Fifty Play Poker Glass - Slant
IGT Game King Five Play Multi-Strike Poker Glass - Slant
IGT Game King Five Play Poker Glass - Slant
IGT Game King Glass and Kits
IGT Game King Good Times Poker Glass - Slant
IGT Game King Side Glass - Double Super Times Pay Poker
IGT Game King Side Glass - Five Play Multistrike - Slant
IGT Game King Side Glass - Five Play Poker - Slant
IGT Game King Side Glass - Good Times Pay Poker - Slant
IGT Game King Side Glass - Spin Poker - Slant
IGT Game King Side Glass - Ten Play Poker - Slant
IGT Game King Side Glass - Triple / Five Play - Bar/Flat Top
IGT Game King Spin Poker Glass - Slant
IGT Game King Ten Play Draw Poker MD Glass - Slant
IGT Game King Triple Play Poker Glass - Slant
IGT Game King/I-Game 044 Deluxe Memory Board
IGT Game Kits & Glass
IGT Gold Mountain Reel Strip Set
IGT Gold Silver Bronze Reel Strip Set
IGT Harness Adapter - Unitopper to GameKing / I-Game Plus
IGT Haywire Deluxe Belly Glass
IGT Haywire Reel Strip Set
IGT HexBreaker Top Glass
IGT Hopper Coin Knife - Small Coin (5c, 25c) - NEW
IGT Hot Peppers Reel Strip Set
IGT Hurricane Game Kit - Glass, Strips, and Software
IGT Hurricane Reel Strip Set
IGT I Dream of Jeannie Glass Set - 9 inch Top, 3 coin
IGT I-Game / Game King Side Glass - Slant
IGT I-Game Button Set
IGT I-Game Frog Princess Glass Set
IGT I-Game Gems WIldTiles Belly Glass
IGT I-Game Glass and Kits
IGT I-Game Russian Treasure Glass - Slant Top
IGT I-Game Texas Tea Top Glass
IGT I-game Triple Play Progressive Glass - Slant
IGT I-Game/Game King 039/3902 MPU Board - Tested
IGT Insert Bills or Tickets Decal Sticker - New
IGT Inserts/Legends/Decals
IGT Jackpot Devil Reel Strip Set
IGT Jackpot Jewels Glass Set - 16inch
IGT Jackpot Jewels Reel Strip Set
IGT Jackpot Jungle Game Kit
IGT Jackpot Jungle Reel Strip Set
IGT Jackpot Reset Key
IGT Jazzy Jewels Reel Strips
IGT Knock Down Reel Strip Set
IGT KnockDown Boxing Game Kit with Nudge/Bump Feature
IGT l-Game King Double Super Times Pay Poker Glass
IGT Leopard Spots I-Game Glass Set
IGT Lucky 7s Game Kit
IGT Lucky Ducky Reel Strip Set
IGT Meter Assembly - Slant Cabinet
IGT MicroTouch Touchscreen Control Board
IGT Midnight Eclipse Topper Insert
IGT Mighty Atlas Topper Insert
IGT Money Storm Belly Glass
IGT Multi-Denomination Sticker Insert $1/$5/$25/$100 - NEW
IGT Multi-Denomination Sticker Insert - $1/$2 - NEW
IGT Multi-Denomination Sticker Insert - $10/$20/$25/$50 - NEW
IGT Multi-Denomination Sticker Insert - $5/$10/$25/$50 - NEW
IGT Multi-Denomination Sticker Insert - 25c/50c - NEW
IGT Multi-Denomination Sticker Insert - 50c/$1 - NEW
IGT Multi-Denomination Sticker Insert - 5c/10c - NEW
IGT Multi-Media Lite II Sounds Board w/DSV00042 SIMM
IGT Oval Topper - Play 4 Games At Once - Like New!
IGT PE+ Backplane/Motherboard
IGT PE+ Multi Poker Glass Set
IGT PE+ Multi Poker Top Glass
IGT Perfect 10 Reel Strips
IGT Players Edge & Players Edge Plus Glass
IGT Power Supply & Distribution Units
IGT Press and Play More Games Topper Insert
IGT Price Is Right Bonus Reel Strip - IGT84614700 - NEW
IGT Prince of Lightning Topper Insert
IGT Progressive Daughter Card
IGT Red White & Blue Game Kit
IGT Reel Glass - Upright
IGT Reel Strips
IGT Reels - Standard & Backlit
IGT Reset Key & Locks
IGT Royal Flush Reel Strip Set
IGT S /S-Plus Coin Comparitor Bracket Assembly - 25cent/Quarter
IGT S+ / S-Plus MPU Main Board 10mhz - TESTED WORKING
IGT S+ / S2000 Glass and Kits
IGT S+ Black Reel Glass, 4 reel!!
IGT S+ Coral Reef 16inch Top Glass
IGT S+ Double American Beauty Game Kit
IGT S+ Double Diamond Deluxe Reel Strip Set
IGT S+ Double Diamond Glass - SMALL Cabinet
IGT S+ Double Dolphins Glass Set
IGT S+ Lucky 7s Round Top Glass Set
IGT S+ Mini Photon Progressive Meter Display Unit
IGT S+ Reel Glass, 3 reel, Black
IGT S+ Sevens Up Round Top Glass Set
IGT S+ Top Glass Retainer Bracket
IGT S+ Triple Diamond Deluxe Glass - Inter.Cabinet
IGT S+/S-Plus Coin Comparitor Pigtail Harness - Slant Top
IGT S+/S-Plus Coin Optics - TESTED WORKING!
IGT S+/S2000 Door Optics
IGT S+/S2000 Cabinet Trim - 16 Inch Top Box
IGT S+/S2000 Cabinet Trim - 9 Inch Top Box
IGT S-Plus Double Mini-Photon Progressive Display - Complete
IGT S-Plus/S+ SET 015 Chip
IGT S/S+ Award Legend - 1200 Coins
IGT S/S+ Award Legend - Progressive / 600 Coins
IGT S/S+ Jokers Wild Insert
IGT S/S+ Machine Pays Insert
IGT S/S+ Play 2 Coins Display Insert
IGT S/S+ Play 3 Coins Insert
IGT S/S+ Win Progressive Insert
IGT S2000 - Full Coin Comparitor and Bracket Assembly - CC-16E 13VDC
IGT S2000 9-Line Display, P/N 76927000
IGT S2000 960 Motherboard / Backplane Board
IGT S2000 Backlit 5-Reel Set w/Shelf and Harness
IGT S2000 Backlit Reel Control Board and Harness - 3 Reel
IGT S2000 Backlit Reel Conversion Kit
IGT S2000 Backlit Reel Harness - 3 reel
IGT S2000 Backlit Reel Set (3)
IGT S2000 Belly Door Frame
IGT S2000 Bill Validator Bezel
IGT S2000 Bonus 4th Reel
IGT S2000 Bottom Bass Speaker Bracket and Harness
IGT S2000 Button Deck - 10 Button with Harness
IGT S2000 Button Deck - 5 button w/Buttons & Harness
IGT S2000 Button Harness - 3 reel
IGT S2000 Cabinet Fan
IGT S2000 Candle
IGT S2000 Clear and Key Chip EPROM Set
IGT S2000 Coin Bypass Plug
IGT S2000 Coin Comparitor Bracket Assembly - 25cent/Quarter
IGT S2000 Coin Tray Plate Cover
IGT S2000 Complete Speaker Set w/Harnesses
IGT S2000 Display Board - 5 Reel / 9 Line with Harness
IGT S2000 Double 3x4x5x Dragon Reel Strips - Wide - NEW
IGT S2000 Double 3x4x5x Times Pay Glass Set
IGT S2000 Double 3x4x5x Times Pay Reel Strips - NEW
IGT S2000 Double Diamond Free Spin Glass
IGT S2000 Double Diamond Reel Strips - BACKLIT
IGT S2000 Double Four Times (Double 4x) Reel Strips
IGT S2000 Double Gold Reel Strips - Wide - NEW
IGT S2000 Double Sizzling Ice Reel Strips - Wide
IGT S2000 Double Strike Reel Strips - Narrow - NEW
IGT S2000 Enhanced I/O Board
IGT S2000 Hopper Plug Jumper Harness
IGT S2000 I-Game Diamond Mine Glass Set
IGT S2000 I-Game Side Glass - Slant - NEW
IGT S2000 I-Game/Game King 3802 MPU Board
IGT S2000 I-Game/Game King Button Harness - Slant Top
IGT S2000 I/O Board Set - Standard
IGT S2000 Insert Bills Legend
IGT S2000 LED Button Harness - 10 Button
IGT S2000 Long Reel Glass - Excellent Cond.
IGT S2000 Long Reel Glass - MultiDenom
IGT S2000 Long Reel Glass, Black, 3 reel
IGT S2000 MPU Board - 7551501, 7551502 TESTED!
IGT S2000 MPU Board 7551504 Rev.B- TESTED WORKING!
IGT S2000 Ms. Little Green Men Reel Glass
IGT S2000 Multi Media Lite Board - Eprom Version
IGT S2000 Multi Media Lite Board - SIMM version
IGT S2000 Multi-Denom Long Display Set-Up
IGT S2000 Multi-Denom Touch Cell Pad
IGT S2000 Multi-Line Display
IGT S2000 Multi-Line Display Harness, P/N 60040000
IGT S2000 Multi-Line Display, P/N 76937500, 76937530, NEW!
IGT S2000 Player Tracking Cover Plate - New
IGT S2000 Power Distribution Board
IGT S2000 Reel Harness (3 Reel)
IGT S2000 Reel Shelf - 3 Reel Short
IGT S2000 Reel Shelf w/Harness - 3+1 Bonus Game
IGT S2000 Seven Times (7x) Reel Strips - NEW
IGT S2000 Sizzling 7 Progressive Game Kit
IGT S2000 Slot Machine Topper - 5cent
IGT S2000 Sound Amplifier (In-Line)
IGT S2000 Sound Amplifier (In-Line) with Harness
IGT S2000 Speaker Covers/Grills
IGT S2000 Speaker Harness Set - Top Box
IGT S2000 Stepper Game Chip Set - SG0000363
IGT S2000 Super 3x4x5x Times Pay Reel Strips - NEW
IGT S2000 Super Stepper MPU w/Multi Media Lite 2 Board
IGT S2000 Three Times (3x) Pay Reel Strips - Narrow - NEW
IGT S2000 Three Times (3x) Pay Reel Strips - Wide - NEW
IGT S2000 Top Box Harness Set
IGT S2000 Triple Butterfly Sevens Belly Glass
IGT S2000 Triple Diamond Deluxe Reel Strips
IGT S2000 Triple Double Lucky 7s Reel Strips - Wide - NEW
IGT S2000 Triple Double Red Hot 7 Game Kit
IGT S2000 Triple Hot Ice Reel Strips - NEW
IGT S2000 Triple Jade Reel Strips - Wide - NEW
IGT S2000 Triple Lucky 7 Top Glass - 9inch
IGT S2000 Triple Red Hot 7s Reel Strips - Wide - NEW
IGT S2000 Triple Stars Reel Strips - Wide - NEW
IGT S2000 Triple Strike Belly Glass
IGT S2000 Triple Strike Reel Strips - Wide - NEW
IGT S2000 Version Chip - GX1
IGT S2000 VFD Display - Long
IGT S2000 VFD Display - Short
IGT S2000 White Stars Reel Strips - NEW
IGT S2000 Winner Paid/Credit Display
IGT S2000/S+ Button Set - Standard 7 button deck
IGT S2000/Vision Ms. Little Green Men Belly Glass
IGT Satellite Reel Strip Set
IGT SAVP Super Reels Reel Strips - Wide - NEW
IGT Seven Seas Reel Strip Set
IGT Seven Seas Sailboat Game Kit with Bump/Nudge Feature
IGT Sevens Up Reel Strip Set
IGT Sierra Silver Reel Strip Set
IGT Sizzling 7s Progressive Round Top Award Glass
IGT Slam Dunk Basketball Game Kit with Bump/Nudge Feature
IGT Slam Dunk Reel Strip Set
IGT Slot Machine Handle
IGT Software
IGT Sound Components
IGT Sound SIMM - DSV00042
IGT Spin Til You Win Game Kit with Free Respin Feature
IGT Splash For Cash Mermaid Reel Strip Set
IGT Strike Reel Strip Set
IGT Super Jackpot Reel Strip Set
IGT Super Stars Reel Strip Set
IGT Top Glass Bracket w/Player Tracking Panel - Long
IGT Topper - Chrome Face Ring
IGT Topper Mounting Plate/Bracket
IGT Toppers & Inserts
IGT Trimline Cabinet Button Deck w/Buttons
IGT Triple Bonanza Game Kit
IGT Triple Bonanza Reel Strip Set
IGT Triple Cash Glass Set
IGT Triple Cash Reel Strip Set
IGT Triple Dollars Reel Strips
IGT Triple Double Moolah Belly Glass
IGT Triple Double Red White Blue Belly Glass
IGT Triple Double Reel Strips
IGT Triple Jackpot III Reel Strips
IGT Triple Jackpot Reel Strips
IGT Triple Lucky 7 Belly Glass
IGT Triple Wild Cherry Reel Strips
IGT Triple Wild Reel Strips
IGT VFD Display - Player Tracking P/N 7511480
IGT VFD Display Board
IGT Volcano Game Kit with Respin Feature
IGT Wild Cherry Reel Strips
IGT Wild Diamonds Reel Strips - Sparkly
IGT Wild Star Red White Blue
IGT Win Place Show Reel Strip Set
In-Line Coupler T568A/B
Ithaca 850 Printer
Jackpot Special Topper - 102 Ways to Win
Jackpot Special Topper - Nickel
JCM UBA-10-SS Bill Validator/Acceptor Complete Unit
JCM WBA Bill Validator Harness - Bally Alpha
JCM WBA Bill Validator/Accepter Housing - Bally
JCM WBA Harness
JCM WBA LED Bezel Light Board
JCM WBA-12-SS Transport
JCM WBA-12-SS w/ Interface Board
JCM WBA-13-SS Bill Validator w/RS232 Board
JCM WBA-13-SU Bill Validator/Acceptor
JCM WBA-21-SU Bill Validator/Acceptor
JCM WBA-23-SU Bill Validator/Acceptor
Joker Wild Topper - 10 cent
Joker Wild Topper - 5 cent
Kiesub BVD Board - K621-BVD
Konami 1.5 Backplane Board BCKB-2
Konami 1.5 Bill Entry Bezel
Konami 1.5 Button Deck w/Harness
Konami 1.5 COMB-2 Communication Board
Konami 1.5 DCNB-2 Board
Konami 1.5 Door Relay Board
Konami 1.5 IOAB-2 Board
Konami 1.5 IOBB-2 Board
Konami 1.5 Lucky Fountain Video Game Kit
Konami 1.5 Monitor Bezel
Konami 3 Reel Set with Shelf
Konami Advantage MPU Board
Konami Advantage Reel Glass - Lightning Stacked 7s
Konami African Diamond Insert
Konami Boards
Konami Button Deck - Like New!
Konami Club Moulin Insert
Konami Danger Inc Insert
Konami Diamond Solitaire Glass Set
Konami Diamond Solitaire Reel Strips
Konami Diamond Solitaire Topper Insert
Konami Diamond Spinner Topper Insert
Konami Door Display Inserts
Konami Door Display Light Assembly
Konami Dragon Crystal Topper Insert
Konami Glass and Game Kits
Konami Jumpin Jalapenos Insert
Konami Lightning Stacked 7s - Advantage 5 Reel
Konami Lightning Stacked 7s Topper Insert
Konami Monitor - 7 Inch
Konami Parts
Konami Power Supply
Konami Rapa Nui Riches Insert
Konami Ruins of Gold Topper Insert
Konami Software
Konami Software - Set of 3 Games (Afr Diam, Jump Jal, and Danger)
Konami Super Ruins of Gold Glass Set
Konami Topper Inserts
Konami Vibrant 7s Topper Insert
Kortek AD Board - AD220
Kortek AD Board - Rainbow, 22' LCD
LED Super Stepper Display - 5 Payline!
Lightning Topper - 5 cent
Mallory CGS 100000 MFD Capacitor
Mastercom 220 Board
MC-40 Coin Mech Coin Comparitor
MEI 6602 Bill Validator Head
MEI Bill Validator Harness
MEI CashFlow Cash Can
MicroCoin QL Coin Comparitor w/Harness
MicroCoinQL Coin Comparitor - 25cent
MicroTouch 3MTouch Screen Panel w/Harness
Mikohn Cham2 Progressive TTLDRV Board
Mikohn Dotmation Progressive Display
Mikohn Slot Interface Board #321-033-00
Mikohn Smart Machine Interface Board
Miscellaneous - Fans, Bulbs, Molex, etc
Molex Female 4 Pin Square #03-09-1040, Qty 5
Monitors, Inverters, & A/D Boards
Neuron Card Reader
Neuron Card Reader - MCR-360T-1R-0301
Neuron Card Reader Bezel Board E322072
Neuron Card Reader Bezel Board E348139
Odyssey Cash Cruise Glass
Odyssey Plexi Inserts
Orion Fan 4.75in - Model OA125AP-11-1 WB
Others (Odyssey, CDS, etc)
Panasonic Card Reader - ZU-M2121S35 / 37905190
Player Tracking Equipment
Player Tracking Lexan Cover - New
Player's Edge 21 Slot Machine Belly Glass
Power Distribution Box
Power Switch
PSA-66 Ticket Printer - Slant Top
PSA66 Ticket Printer - Upright
PSC Select DC Brushless Fan, PSC-FS10042REVA
Reel Bar and Reel Harness, 5 reel
Relay 628-100-A-120
S+ Cats N Dogs 16in. Glass Set
S+ Double Spin Five Times Pay Glass Set
S+ Win Place Show Game Kit
S2000 Gold Candle
S2000 Handle Solenoid
S2000 Illuminated Bill Validator Entry Bezel
S2000 Illuminated MEI Bill Validator Entry Bezel - Slant Top
S2000 Illuminated WBA Bill Validator Entry Bezel - Slant Top
S2000 Long 5-Reel MultiDenom Glass - Black - Fair Condition
S2000 Long 5-Reel MultiDenom Glass - Diamond background
S2000 Long MultiDenom 5-Reel Glass - Black
S2000 Long Reel Glass - Black 9 Line
S2000 Long Reel Glass - Blue MultiDenom
S2000 Non-Backlt Reel Set - Set of 3!
S2000 Redeem Tickets Insert/Legend - NEW!!!
S2000 Reel Stepper Unit
S2000 Short Reel Glass - Black - 9 Line/3 Reel Multi Denom
S2000 Short Reel Glass - Black - Good Condition!
S2000 Short Reel Glass - Blue 5 Line
S2000 Triple Double Red White & Blue Glass Set
Samsung 17' Touchscreen Slot Monitor #M41QCJ761X172
Sentry Bill Validator Bezel - Slant Top Machine
Sentry Smart LED Bezel - IGT S2000
Slot Machine Battery (Qty 1) - CR2032
Slot Machine Battery - 3.6v Lithium for Bally and IGT
Slot Machine Battery - Qty 1 - CR2354
Slot Machine Battery - Tray of 25 - 3.6v Lithium with Leads
Slot Machine Button Panel Blanking Plate
Slot Machine Chair/Stool Seat and Back - Blue Clamshell
Slot Machine Chair/Stool Seat and Back - Horoscope
Slot Machine Chair/Stool Seat and Back - Rapid Roulette
Slot Machine Chair/Stool Seat and Back - Wheel of Fortune
Slot Stools
Sylvania #192 T3-1/4 Mini Wedge Bulb 13V - 1 Box of 10
Sylvania #192 T3-1/4 Mini Wedge Bulb 13V - 5 Boxes of 10
Tatung 19 Inch LCD Monitor - Alpha/M9000
Tatung L6.3xxx Touchscreen Monitor Unit - Bally Alpha
Tatung LCD Monitor, 15 Inch - L5RA25M21LA
Ticket Printer Bezel w/Bracket and Harness
Ticket Printers
Touch International 20 Inch Touchscreen - NEW
Touchscreen Control Cable - Bally Alpha
Triple Bar Topper - 10 cent
Triple Bars Topper - 5 cent
Triple Double Diamond 9 Line Round Top Glass
UBA-10-SS Complete Unit - MAV500
VGA Cable - Bally Alpha
Vintage Draw Poker Glass
Vintage Glass
Wedge Light Bulb - T3 1/4
Wells-Gardner 19 Inch LCD Monitor - Alpha/M9000
WMS Bluebird 2 (BB2) Goldfish 2 Top Box Animator
WMS Bluebird 2 (BB2) Transmissive Reel Monitor - Kristel
WMS Bluebird 2 (BB2) Transmissive Reel Set
WMS BlueBird Handle Assembly
WMS Bluebird Player Tracking Panel Set
WMS Coin Entry - 5c
WMS Coin In Assembly
WMS CPU-NXT to 512MB Upgrade Kit
WMS Dragon's Realm Plexi Insert - NEW
WMS Fairy's Fortune Software Set
WMS Glass and Game Kits
WMS Jackpot Stampede Top Glass
WMS Keeping Up With The Joneses Software Set
WMS Mardi Gras Madness Game Software
WMS Match Game Glass Set
WMS Parts
WMS Pyramid of the Kings Software Set
WMS SBOT-1160 Eprom
WMS Slot Machine Candle
WMS Software
WMS Upright Hopper - 5cent
~IGT S+ Error Codes~
~IGT S2000 Error Messages~
~Tips for the Slot Owner~

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